Express & Star

Sharon Osbourne on her new stage show, the importance of family and Ozzy's battle with illness

Ever wanted to find out what makes Sharon Osbourne tick? Now’s your chance.

Sharon Osbourne

The formidable Mrs O is heading to Birmingham's Alexandra Theatre in January with a show unapologetically titled Cut The Crap! in which she’ll take questions from the audience under the direction of journalist and Loose Woman Jane Moore on any subject you care to fire at her. But probably best to wear a tin hat.

“This show is really about my life story,” says Sharon. “I’ve certainly lived a lot of life in my 71 years so there are a lot of stories to tell. Plenty of ups and downs, good luck and bad, too. It’s not all been wine and roses.

“I love hearing other people’s life stories. But I’d never buy a novel; I only buy biographies. I don’t like made-up stories. Mind you, I don’t think anyone could make up my story. My life has been like a Jackie Collins novel – or so I’m told.”

Does she think she attracts drama? “Yes, I do. I think it may be because I’m a bit eccentric so it must follow me around. I’m a magnet for drama.” Not to say a mouthpiece.

Sharon Osbourne is fiercely protective of Ozzy

Is she a woman for regrets? “Sure. To have regrets is a part of life and growing. I often think: ‘If I could only do that again’ but you can’t. So, all you can do is try to make sure you don’t do whatever it was another time. Not that I always succeed.”

So, what does she regret professionally? “I’m someone who’s always said what’s on her mind. And then it’s gone. But other people won’t let it go. They don’t like confrontation and they don’t like it when I challenge a situation.